A spendthrift is a person who spends money in an irresponsible way, or in other words, wastes money.
The word "spendthrift" has a negative connotation because of the image of wastefulness attached to it.
The words "generous", "benevolent", and "philanthropic" are used to compliment people, and do not have any negative connotations.
Orpheus<span>, a demigod who is
the child of Apollo, and Thalia. He have great
musical talent, this is his strength.</span>
"Pi" Patel, an Indian boy, a character from is a Canadian adventure novel
‘Life of Pi’. Pi was creative, imaginative, introspective and creative.
Elsa<span> is a
character from the animated movie Frozen. She is also known as Snow Queen. She
has tremendous strength in ice power.</span>
From the choices D would appear to be the best.
Prospero views Caliban as inferior and tries to educate him (A.P.E.X)