These lines of A Princess Bride is said by a static character.
These lines in the Princess Bride were said by Wesley. Wesley is one of the main characters and the love interest of Buttercup. A static character is someone who does not change over time. Their personality does not change or evolve over the course of the story. Wesley seems to be this kind of character because he is absolutely resolute in his pursuit of Buttercup. His love for Buttercup is constant. However in the scope of the entire movie, Wesley is also a round character as he does show depth and he does change to some degree. He takes on the persona of Dread Pirate Roberts, for example.
D. The clothes were spotless, so Catherine decided to donate them to the high school's drama department.
Probably all of Capulets line, because he is basically saying Tybalt is difficult and that his trick may burn him in the end. Hope I could help!
Tom asks Huck to take a shirt from the clothesline which Jim can use as a journal while he is in prison. Huck is surprised, because Jim can't even write.