What does the hair symbolize?
Hair symbolizes physical strength and virility; the virtues and properties of a person are said to be concentrated in his hair and nails. It is a symbol of instinct, of female seduction and physical attraction.
What do clothes symbolize?
It's been long since clothes have become more than just practical things. Today, almost all over the world, clothes are a way of displaying one's individual identity and personality. Firstly, clothes used to protect us from climatic conditions, so basically they had nothing to do with style.
Examples of sentences with the structure (not) as... as:
His face is not as round as Tom´s.
Her eyes are not as big as mine.
His nose is as turned-up as his mother´s.
Mary´s hair is as curly as her friend´s.
The policeman is as angry as the car driver.
The TV host is not as bored as the audience.
The children are as happy as their grandparents.
1. Dougie thought that karas mother killed his second son Aaron instead it was just that he didn't have his life jacket on
2. karas mum found out that he was a cheat
as Dougie was trying to sell his fish as line caught fish and line caught fish is expensive
answer was taken from chapter 14
A bright red rose is the salient feature of the Old World Monkey, the Mandrill.