physical development
physical development in this context refers to increased functions and control over our own body. This allow toddler like Annette to gradually do more things with her body starting from crawling, standing, and eventually walking/running.
For average humans, physical development occurs until our late adolescence and start to deteriorate when we enter the age of 35 - 40 years old.
It’s the main reason why we have human rights
"A City upon a Hill" is a phrase from the morale story of Salt and Light in Jesus's Sermon on the Mount.
John Winthrop, one of the leading figures in the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony stated that: "We shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us."
A person makes decisions based on the stimulus the person is being subjected to.
When a person is driving all the unneeded information is discarded and only the relevant information is processed. When the noise consists of sirens from emergency vehicles a person is likely to give slow down and give way.
Train whistles also makes the driver slow down as it indicates that a railway crossing ahead.
A car normally sounds a certain way. If something was wrong with the car the sound would change this would make the driver check on the engine.
Hence, the stimuli mentioned here changes leads to driving decisions.
This is a very popular concept that people talk about
and it's talked about a lot when watching the news.
The achievement gap relates to the differences
that people experience in education.
This can relate to the differences in education because
of people's races, because of people's genders,
you hear a lot about it too with people's households and towns.
For example, you hear about the differences in education
in richer wealthier towns vs. more low income towns.
So this relates to how kids achieve and how
well they do in school, on their tests, etc.
So many different factors can affect the achievement gap.