The amount of sunlight changes when moving between north and south.
Climate change results from global warming which is an increase in the temperature of the earth.
The sun is the primary source of temperature change on earth, and latitude place a great role in the amount of sunshine that come to an area. Places at high latitude receive less sunlight when compared to places at low latitude, this in turn determines how warm or cold a region can be. On the other when moving from east to west, it is along longitudinal lines and this can be on same elevation, thus there are no significant changes in temperature.
Therefore sunlight plays a key role in altering the temperature along latitudes.
between 25 and 40 degrees
5. If you were in charge of advertising and marketing a cruise ship, what are some of the strategies that you would use?
Cruise ships are particularly popular among high income, middle aged and older individuals. For this reason, I would focus on advertising that reaches out to that audience. Television ads would therefore be relevant because this group of people still uses television as one of their main sources of entertainment, unlike many millennials and centennials.
Another strategy that could work is social media ads, specially in those platforms that are used by people from this age group.
What elements of the cruise ship would you highlight or feature in your ads?
I would highlight elements that make the cruise ship interesting for my target audience: facilities, activities, accommodation, food and drink. I could also show some testimonials from people who had already partaken in one of the cruise ships travels, because experience from other people tend to influence potential customers a lot.