The correct answer is D. Savannah, Georgia
There is not a lot of solid information on Osman I who established the Ottoman dynasty around 1300 CE. He was the hereditary leader of a small principality in Anatolia.
A surplus describes the amount of an asset or resource that exceeds the portion that's actively utilized. A surplus can refer to a host of different items, including income, profits, capital, and goods. In the context of inventories, a surplus describes products that remain sitting on store shelves, unpurchased. In budgetary contexts, a surplus occurs when income earned exceeds expenses paid. A budget surplus can also occur within governments when there's leftover tax revenue after all governmental programs are fully financed.
Answer: The overall message was one of greater equality. So the First Great Awakening paved the way for independence and the Constitution. Speaking about spiritual equality encouraged colonists to think more about the need for democracy in both church and state.