Responding to conflict with confrontation will just lead to more and more arguments with peers, family members and loved ones. People will start to avoid the friend because many people do not like confrontation and prefer to deal with conflict in a calmer more understanding way. The friend needs to take that approach in order to sustain positive relationships. The calmer the approach to conflict the better. A mutually supported understanding needs to be reached in conflicts in order to resolve them peacefully. Aggression and confrontation just leads to more anger and upset.
"He" and it's nominative.
Nominative pronouns include pronouns that are more often than not used as subjects such as "he", "she", "they, "I", "we", or "who".
Karen is a pejorative term for a woman seeming to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. The term also refers to memes depicting White women who use their privilege to demand their own way.
We have four different types of teeth, with each type serving a particular purpose for eating and chewing.
8 Incisors.
4 Canines.
8 Premolars.
12 Molars (including 4 wisdom teeth)