False cuz yea it is false
Bogdan I, sau Bogdan Întemeietorul (în română: Bogdan Întemeietorul), a fost primul domnitor independent, sau voievod, al Moldovei în anii 1360. Inițial fusese voievodul sau șeful vlahilor din Maramureș în Regatul Ungariei. Bogdan și servitorii săi au părăsit Maramureșul în Moldova între 1359 și 1365. Moldova fusese sub stăpânirea lui Sas al Moldovei, vasal al lui Ludovic I al Ungariei, dar vlahii locali s-au opus suzeranității maghiare. Bogdan l-a alungat cu forta pe fiul lui Sas, Balc, si a pus mana pe tron. Ca răzbunare, Ludovic I a confiscat moșiile lui Bogdan în Maramureș în 1365. Bogdan a domnit ca prim voievod al Moldovei. Nu a acceptat domnia lui Ludovic I al Ungariei, transformând Moldova în al doilea principat român independent.
Information about mass Jewish massacres started to enter the free world shortly after the events in the Soviet Union began in late June 1941, and the number of those stories grew over time. German police accounts captured by English spies, local testimonies, and escaping Jews heading to the hidden were among the first sources of evidence.
The Allies published a declaration on December 17, 1942, denouncing the genocide of Jews in Europe as well as pledging to prosecute those responsible. Regardless, it is unknown to what degree Allied and impartial leaders comprehended the full significance of their knowledge.
Truman main goal was the containment of communism and the expansion of the soviet union in the world. this was to be made possible through countering the Warsaw pact. the containment policy was to help in the recovery of European countries economies in order to help them to overcome the attractive vestiges of communism. The countries were to adopt democracy and free market economies.
They formed a civilization that will eventually become an empire.