I don't want to say it's horrible... but it is certainly far from ideal. In all forms of society... humanity has kind of become lackadaisical in it's growth. It almost seems as if our hunger for progress has disappeared completely. I know the problems we have in America are not nearly as bad as those in third world countries rn... but the presidential has definitely brought the worst out in all of us. I support neither candidate bc frankly... I couldn't care less about stuff like that. What <em>does</em> disappoint me is the fact that people have become so divided on an election. As far as BLM... I definitely think that both sides of the argument need to back down. Yes there are corrupt police officers... but do not let them take away from the majority of officers who lay their lives down every day unbiasedly. Black lives do matter (and so do all lives)... but it's not okay to violently "peacefully" protest.
1 Do not worship any other gods 2 do not make any idols 3 do jot misuse the name of God 4keep the sabbath holy 5 honor your mother and father 6 do not murder 7 do not commit adultry 8do not steal 9do not lie 10 do not covet