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A variety of art movements occurred during this time, including Classicism, Symbolism, and Futurism.
Claes Oldenburg is an American sculpture born in Sweden on January 28, 1929, famously known for his work as soft sculpture in big structures using themes of every day of life. He is considered to be part of the Pop-art movement, his sculptures indicate everyday objects, and he put them in the landscape which reflects Oldenburg monumental public art.
Dr. Linda Nochlin contributed to the field of <u>feminist</u> art history by researching and promoting the role of <u>female </u>artists.
<u> American art historian Dr. Linda Nochlin has done notable work during the lifetime in the field of feminist art history. </u>Her most famous work is the essay from 1971. “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” she has discussed the problematics of institutional discrimination and erasure of women through the history of art.
In the essay, she has stated the history is based on men, <u>while women have long been discouraged from pursuing art and being regarded as master artists</u>. The essay helped the rise of feminist art history and started the new methods of analysis and studies of female art. Her work later looked more into the repressed groups and investigated the hidden parts of the art history.