Socially, this period isn't a mediator time between the prosperous Great and Magnificent ones, as it was depicted previously. Aristotle the dad of current sciences, Menander the incredible comedies' creator, Epicure the moralist, Eratosthenes, yet additionally Euclid, Archimedes, and Polybius lived and worked amid the Greek Time frame. This period indicated advance in design, a ton of incredible euergetism (charitable donattions to the network), a duplication of gala days and festivities (appeared by the extraordinary number of made theaters), the improvement of workmanship and the making of libraries, with the most renowned being in Alexandria.
Answer: For all the good that staple crops bring to civilisation, it’s no secret that they’re a little bland. The pursuit of flavoursome and aromatic spices has shaped the map of the world as long as humans have craved flavour, opening up trade routes, creating opportunities for cultural exchange as well as heating up competition between empires.
The issue of slavery gradually shook the foundations of the two-party system of the Whigs Democrats. Its noticeable aggravation occurred as a result of the adoption in May 1854 of a bill on the incorporation into the United States of the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, located north of 36°30, the border of slavery, established by the Missouri compromise of 1820. The initiator of the bill was the Democratic Party. It was based on the doctrine of "sovereignty of the settlers", according to which the status of slavery in the new states was to be determined by the population.
The doctrine of the "sovereignty of the settlers" that appeared in the political arsenal of the democrats in the late 40s, is difficult to be give an unambiguous assessment. Putting it forward, the leadership of the Democratic Party was looking for ways to ensure internal political stability and achieve a new compromise between the North and the South. On the other hand, the initiators of the bill assured the population of the North that the flow of settler farmers would undoubtedly exceed the influx of slave owners into new territories, which guarantees the future accession of these territories to the Union as free states. However, the Democratic leadership’s calculations for attenuation of disputes about slavery did not implement.
The center of gravity for all opponents of slavery was the new Republican Party. The Republicans entered the political arena with a program of radical reconstruction of the country's socio-economic structure through territorial restrictions on the institution of slavery. During these years, many moderately opposed opponents of the spread of slavery in Western territories feared the radicalism of the Republican Party.
Moderate positions on the issue of slavery determined the election of Lincoln as a compromise Republican presidential candidate in the 1860 election. Lincoln, thanks in large part to the split in the Democratic Party, which nominated two candidates, managed to get ahead of his rivals in the elections and become president of the United States. The first Republican president won the election, mainly due to support from the North.
1. In the times of the roman empire, lots of power was held by the catholic church, when the roman empire was divided in 2 the two capitols remained ROme and Constantinople, but Rome was still the center of christianity, because of this they divided church as well, leaving constantinople as center of their part of christianity.
2. The seek for power and for regain control of Israel and with this the holy land, the CRUSADES were military expeditions to allow christians acces to the holy places, but what fueled it´s continuation was the strategical power that Israel has in commercial routes from asia to Europe, and who controls the commercial routes, controls the market.