John Quincy Adams is the answer
The purpose of the Song of Solomon is a lyric poem written to extol the virtues of love between a husband and a wife. The poem clearly presents marriage as God's design. A man and women are to live together within context of marriage, loving each other spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Here's the chronological order, with dates:
1. The king's financial experts come up with ideas to relieve national debt.
That was ongoing in advance of convening the Estates General. Charles de Calonne, appointed general controller of finances in 1783, recommended increasing taxation across the classes. Jacques Necker was appointed to replace Calonne in 1788, and he would recommend a more limited monarchy in France, along the lines of the English model. Necker was dismissed from his position by the king in July, 1789.
2. The king asks that the Estates General convene - January 24, 1789
3. The Third Estate forms the National Assembly - June 14, 1789
4. The declaration known as the Tennis Court Oath is sworn - June 20, 1789
5. The National Assembly passes the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen - August 26, 1789
6. The hated royal political prison, the Bastille, is captured - July 14, 1789
7. King Louis XVI is captured and then executed
- Captured while trying to flee France, June 1791
- Executed, January 21, 1793.