Every six years, the United Nations-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) releases a massive and influential study
detailing the state of Earth's climate. Every citizen on the planet
should take the 20 minutes needed to read the Summary for Policy Makers (PDF File)
issued in February 2007. In their fourth report since 1990, the IPCC
offered its strongest language yet that Earth's climate is warming and
humans are largely responsible:
The orbit is not circular its shaped more like an oval. During the 3rd of January the northern part of the planet experiences summer and the southern experiences winter. During this time the earth is the closest to the sun than it will ever be along its orbit path. On the 3rd of July however the earth is the farthest away it will be during the year and the northern part of the planet now is experiencing winter while the southern experiences winter.
D. by informing how to prepare for a road trip she is trying to persuade students to do something exciting over the summer, like a road trip.