The reason why there is a green layer of algae was because
of the reason that there may be too much fertilizer applied in the lawn. When
having too much fertilizer, and it had been rained down—there could have been a
possibility of run-off to be flown down on the lawn of which has been sloped
and made its way on the pond. By this, it increases the nutrients in the pond,
making the algae to grow on it.
type 1 diabetes and cancer
All the others are contagious diseases that you can contract, but type 1 diabetes and cancer can be caused by genetics. The others are all things that you can usually recover from while cancer and diabetes are usually conditions that cannot be escaped sadly.
The answer is B. Only the "Analysis" section includes specific data comparisons, and only the "Conclusion" section suggests further research.
C. amount of peer review.
Spectral analysis proposes that there is no hydrogen fusion roughly
speaking. They are hot since they are very thick. So if you are a convinced
high density and temperature and still not doing synthesis, you must be small.
Also, stellar evolution models are founded on the observation of planetary
nebulae, where stars have shed most of their mass after being red giants. The
physics designates a small, hot, central remainder.