I do not believe a longer school calendar is a good idea for a few reasons. One reason is that I believe kids need to have time to be kids and have some time off of school. Also, students wouldn’t tire out as easily with the ongoing overload of school. A con can be that childcare could be difficult to find when they are not in school and also that some kids do better with consistency and no break.
Kindly refer to the above attachment!!
B. life long love...........: )
Strictly speaking, this soliloquy depicts the struggle of a high state official who is about to commit a coup d'etat by killing his king and taking over the throne. However, it is much more than a dishonest political manoeuvre. It also presents a personal moral conflict of a man who is well aware that once he draws the dagger, there is no way back.
(Continued) Just like the nonfiction excerpt implies, Shakespeare here transcends the sociopolitical boundaries of his own historical moment. Macbeth's soliloquy creates huge suspense and anticipates the bloodshed that is about to unravel, much to the taste of the early 17th-century audience. But it also presents a host of timeless, universal questions. By doing that, Shakespeare gives his audience and his king exactly what they want and writes a timeless play about power, greed and ambition, treachery, and (un)happiness.