las mujeres españolas eran tratadas con caballerismo , como reinas ,mientras que a las mujeres indígenas las explotaban laboralmente
ojala te ayude
Biology is a branch of science that studies about life and living organisms. It includes physical and chemical structure, development, and evolution of all living things. It seeks to answer questions about all living things.A biologist may ask about how plants maintain life processes. In Christian biology, biblical knowledge and faith are integrated in learning the evolution of the earth and the living things that consist it. Likewise, it states that God's signature is written in his creation or the living world is a testament of God's actions.
Answer:(b) The Portuguese students would be encouraged to treasure their culture, and teachers would provide ways for the U. S. students to learn about life in Portugal.
What is meant by cultural pluralism ?
Cultural pluralism refers to a situation whereby the culture of a minor group of people is accepted within a larger society so that the smaller group can also freely practice their different culture with its values provided it is withing the accepted boundaries of the law and the values shared by the society at large.