(B). Both the other two
Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of cognitive development states that <u>children learn and develop by socially interacting with others who are more skilled</u>.
According to the theory, <u>children learn through </u><u>collaboration</u> with people who are more skilled like parents and teachers.
<u>They also learn through </u><u>scaffolding</u><u>,</u> which involves the teacher providing temporary support to the child, for a period of time, until the child can carry out an activity on his or her own.
Automobiles would be one invention.
Reciprocal Determinism
Reciprocal Determinism
This is commonly known as the interacting rates of behavior, internal cognition, and environment. It simply explains how our actions are as a result of the environment, individual characteristics, and behavior.
Albert Bandura, a scientist that gave this theory did believed that behavior, internal personal factors, and environmental plays a role to all operations as interlocking determinants of each other.
An example is Children's TV-viewing habits( past behavior), which would influence their viewing preferences (internal factor), in which would influence how television affects their current behavior (environmental factor). The influences are always mutual.
Heat energy.
Since the yogurt is frozen, the heat will cause it to melt.