Freedom of faith was a big motivation for the English. In 1620, a group of settlers left England to seek the New World. Many were separatists, who believed the Church of England was dishonorable. By seeking out the New World, they were trying to break away and worship their own faith.
he reconstructed the city politics and sterngthened the senate power
Answer:He wassss.... how should i put this. a little nicer. to usa and his people and made russia a democracy.
I am almost positive that the increase of organized crime was due to the lack of legal alcohol that many people would drink on a daily basis, causing mafia groups and gang leaders such as Al Capone to make a huge monopoly off of an illegal trade selling and smuggling alcohol. Please list the cartoon next time-I am unable to see it-I am giving you an answer based off of what I know.
C. Israel captured Jerusalem, a holy city to both Jews and Muslims.
During the War, the Israeli managed to capture the West Bank which was controlled by Jordan at the time. This included Jerusalem, that is, East Jerusalem where the old city is which contains numerous holy buildings for both sides.