SHe trained at ScotLand Yard
I think reality television is harming our communities because of their misleading views on society; thus, why many individuals become self conscious of their life altogether it is stable. Reality television puts out a false image of succession which in tern harms our self confidence and happiness in life. If I could be in any reality show I would be in my 600 pound life and, I would chose this because I would get to receive money, attention, and praise from others around me. Although I would become rich and famous my relationships with others would most likely be ruined. While I would never actually like to be in a reality television show, I would call it “The Teachings of Professional Procrastinators”, and the show would show viewers how to procrastinate on a daily basis ending with the best television shows to become distracted with.
That means in my opinion that if you have a friend that isn't down for you or isn't like you then u shouldn't be friends with them
(I used a picture off the internet)
George Floyd had pain inflicted on him because of the colour of his skin. He suffered at the hands of the authorities, meant to protect all people, eventually leading to his passing. You can visibly see his face writhe in agony and fear. How do we still live in a society where this behavior is still at large? It’s disgusting. People should not ever have to suffer because they are a different skin colour. Children should not have to grow up, in fear that they or someone they love are at risk because they are ‘different’.
It is John Gardner's novel "Grendel" from 1971 that initiated the trend of telling a story from a monster's point of view. The story is essentially the epic poem Beowulf spoken trough the eyes of Grendel