Ninetey four. Look at rexcord label 77 from Cash Money record!!
Self Explanatory!
While the perpetrator still remains unknown, the US blamed Spain for the explosion, as relations between the two countries were strained over how Spain was mistreating it's colonies in Cuba. This led to the Spanish-American War, which was a US victory that led to the takeover of the Philippines and Cuba from Spain.
The Ku Klux Klan often took drastic, and violent actions towards the blacks. Making it very hard for many of them to survive in a safe manner.
Answer: Nixon was going to be impeached because obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress he violated them all. In my opinion i disagree with Gerald Ford who wanted to pardon Nixon because if it went through Nixon would be considered above rule of law and take advantage of it.
Evangelism affects diffusion from a world-wide evangelicalism just after the Second World War.