Gentlemen: The Art Club of the Falling Waters Community is promoting a study on modern art oil paintings. We plan to visit the museum. Your new exhibit on advertisement art has many oil pieces. What exhibits are scheduled for the coming year? What is the price of admissions? Are there special rates for senior groups? Our club plans to see many of the exhibits this year. Please send the museum's schedule and list of prices. Thank you, Shannon Pickets President, Art Club
Remember that propositions begin propositional phrases which are groups of words that contain: a proposition, a noun or pronoun object of proposition and modifiers to the subject.
The answer is B, 246,000
Hope this helped
1. Were performed by men wearing masks - expressionism.
2. Allegories representing vices and virtues - morality plays.
3. Based on the life of one of the saints - miracle plays.
4. Early secular plays - Greek plays.
5. Presented stories from the Bible - mystery plays.
6. Presenting life as the playwright saw it, rather than as he would like it to be - realism.
7. Using concrete things to represent abstract ideas - symbolism.
8. Led to the use of scrims and whirling stage platforms. - Roman plays.
9. Commercial theater presenting short-run, low-budget plays. - Legitimate theater.
10. A group of actors presenting a variety of plays - repertory plays.
In the context, most likely what kind.
i.e. That is a purple sweater. What kind of sweater? A purple sweater.
See the gorgeous sunset? What kind of sunset? A gorgeous one.
See that fast rabbit run! What kind of rabbit? A fast one.
Get the idea?