Defending the rights of Muslims to live safely and do their religious practice freely like in Badr Ghazua; Muslims were tortured and exiled from their homes only because they fellow a new religion that has equaled the masters and the slaves in the rights and duties, in the eyes of the Islamic community and Allah( the god).
Another Example: in Oohod Ghazua Muslims enemies attacked Muslim s to take revenge of their loss in Badr Ghazua.
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Okay okay I’m okay with that I just woke wo about it and I woke
Since you did not give choices for the rites of passages, I will just give you the answers. According to Arnold van Gennep, there rites of passages have different phases - mainly there are three available. There are separation, liminality, and incorporation, in a respective manner. These answers are phases which means that they should be followed and considered step by step.
Before the Roman Republic was transformed into an empire, the nation had a Senate and an executive branch with Consul's acting as leaders of the nation. Rome had an representation in place that was very advanced for an ancient civilization.