GERMANENESS: One of the most important differences between the House and Senate is the House rule that all amendments must be germane (relevant or related) to the bill under consideration. In the Senate, this is only true for general appropriations and budget bills.
FILIBUSTER: Talking a proposal to death or to get a compromise is only allowed in the Senate. Cloture is the process by which such unlimited debate can be ended. When invoked by roll call vote -- three-fifths of those present and voting -- it limits each senator to one hour of debate. Other delaying tactics such as requiring time-consuming recorded votes or raising complex questions about legislative procedures ("points of order") can be used in either the House or Senate. :)
It was an oil-exporting nation.
During the 1980s, the Soviet Union saw a severe downturn in oil prices. This, in turn, led to a decrease in production. Between 1988 and 1995, the oil production of the nation dropped by almost 50%. During this time period, oil was one of the main exports of the Soviet Union, which meant that these fluctuations in price greatly damaged its economy. Moreover, the damage to the economy weakened the nation, allowing for the change of regime to take place.
high tariffs, against slavery = north
low tariffs, for slavery, western expansion of slavery =south
cheap public land = west
govt. built roads = east
1. the powers that people want/constitution