<u><em>Capture attention</em></u>
</em></u>Just as typography is essential for the design of the logo and other graphic elements of a brand, the use of color is equally important.
Colors produce different emotions and decisively influence our perception of reality.
Red is a passionate color, intense, exciting, somewhat aggressive, and reflects values such as vitality and strength, and if it is used on a white background, it is almost impossible not to attract attention.
The inventry of brainly is MB TK and LH
In the 1970s, Thailand had a very low GDP Per Capita. In 1970, Thailand's GDP Per Capita was only 192 dollars. For comparison, the U.S. GDP Per Capita in the same year was 5.247 dollars.
Besides, in the 1970s, Thailand was a monarchy where the king at the time: king Bhumibol Adulyadej, had effective powers over the people. Not all monarchies are developing countries, but monarchies and dictatorships tend to be poorer because of the lack of independent judiciary and enforcement of property rights which disincentivizes investment and economic growth.
Answer: B
Members of Congress in both houses are elected by direct popular vote.