Organelles are specialized structures that perform various jobs inside cells. The term literally means “little organs.” In the same way organs, such as the heart, liver, stomach, and kidneys, serve specific functions to keep an organism alive, organelles serve specific functions to keep a cell alive.
There is a chance that the person receiving that insulin will get a bad immune response, and there is a possibility that the animal might have a disease or infectious organisms, that their insulin might contain, and putting it inside a human might transmit that disease.
Mammal bird reptile amphibian plant Fish
Plants can make their own food by photosynthesising however, animals need to consume plants for energy/as food if their were no plants animals would starve. plants also provideanimals with oxygen as a waste product of photosynthesis which animals need to survive
The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs ( INCSR ) will likely deal with such matters.