There are many cases of homeostasis mechanism. In this mechanism, there will be a receptor that will catch a condition. After that, an order will be sent to various place depend on the condition.
One of them is temperature control which was done by shivering or sweating. When your body temperature is too high, the thermoreceptor will detect it and then the brain will send the order to the body sweat glands. Sweat on body surface will evaporate and reduce body temperature.
When the temperature is too low, the brain will tell the muscle to shiver so you can produce heat.
Other than temperature, homeostasis also control blood pressure, or many chemical level(oxygen, glucose).
it is 50% because there is two codominance and one non diamond
a) i) Xylem
ii) Upper epidermis
iii) Stoma
iv) Chroloplast
v) Palisade cell layer
b) By a waxy layer on the cuticle of the leaf
The plant's leaves have a large surface area that is capable of absorbing sunlight. The plant's waxy layer in the surface of the leaf protects it from the loss of water, as well as of diseases caused by the entry of microorganisms. The palisade cell's surface is a single layer of cells underneath the upper epidermis that is adapted to absorb light energy.
The waxy layer is a primary physical barrier composed of insoluble polymers and lipids whose function is to protect the leaves against the entry of harmful organisms including virus, bacteria and fungus. Moreover, the plant's waxy cuticle is also a barrier that prevents the loss of water and solutes.