Well at my churches altar, we have some candle holders and vases. We use our candles to of course light them for communion. The vases are just for decoration. The altar also has a bible set at a specific verse.
Hope this helps and thank you for using Brainly!
The great leap forward
Conceived by Mao Zedong after his rise to power,after the civil war, the great leap forward, dubbed the five year plan, sought to transform china into a developed nation equal and competing with western countries. The plan failed because of poor central planning by the communist government.
Hindi ako nagsasalita ng pilipino ngunit ang sagot ay A
The Homestead Act was a legislative provision of the United States according to which 160 acres (65 hectares) of state land were assigned to those who requested it in the wilds outside the borders of the thirteen original colonies. The new law provided for three phases: an assignment request, the commitment to work the assigned land and obtaining the title of property. Those who had never fought against the US government and, among them, freed slaves, could apply for assignment to a local local office.
As a result of it, the population grew in the territories, due to the immigration to those areas, and cattle ranching industry grew as the new settlers were commited to work the assigned lands.