Thomas Malory’s depiction of Merlin in Le Morte d’Arthur was that of a cold, distinguished sage, providing counsel to Arthur that, at times, appears morally difficult to follow. An example was in his counselling Arthur to send away newborn baby boys adrift at sea to risk perishing.T. H. White’s depiction of Merlyn in The One and Future King shows him as a bumbling wise man who lives backwards through time and eventually becomes younger. This opened the character to have more human traits, making him more relatable to readers.
An art song is usually for solo voice and is accompanied by solo piano. (Just as a side note, I recommend listening to the Erlking by Schubert if you have time; it's a German art song (lied))
Answer: Describing Crusoe's self-examination develops the idea of battling one's flaws.
Explanation: In this passage, Defoe manages to reveal bits of Crusoe's history while introducing, at the same time, the character's own sense of moral development. We can infer from the words "what would become of me" that the character feels in a more advance moral place, where he can recognize having learned <em>thankfulness</em> and having acquired the capacity for <em>remorse</em>.
Im giving you a heads up that nobody is gonna do this and you should just start now
To solve a Problem
since she is trying to fix the leak and doesent know how to do it she is trying to solve it