Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam.
these three religions are universalizing religions meaning they try to convert as many people as possible globally. Hinduism, and Confucianism and ethnic meaning they tend to stick to a specific area or group of people and don't usually convert as large a scale as a universalizing religion.
Rokcy mountains
I remember my teacher and freind telling me the answer to this
World War I completely changed the way wars were fought.
Trench warfare, which was the norm just a century ago was seen as an nonviable strategy.
Modern machines such as tanks and airplanes made trench warfare mostly about keeping ground and resulted in stalemates.
Also, it was the first time that modern tanks, planes and machine guns were being used for first time at such a large scale, resulting in an unprecedented level of death and carnage.
Military generals soon realized that time-honored military code of conducts were now obsolete and a completely new form of strategy was now required.
The big difference is that today's judgments have a legal rite. People should be judged with dignity, which was not always the case at that time, and condemnation must be evidence-based, which was not always respected either.
Another difference is that today there is no judgment based on supernatural situations, as was the case of the Witches of Salem. For a judgment made under the aegis of democracy, crime must have motives that can be substantiated. Finally, people who are tried today have a broad right of defense, which was not the case in the Middle Ages.