maybe Persuasive im not sure i don't pay attention in english
D. ---. First Time's a Charm. Houston: La Prensa Texas, 1995. Print.
Since the Works Cited page is alphabetical, the two books by the same author will be one after the other. Because of this, you do not need to include any of the author's name. Instead, replace the name with three hyphens. Do NOT forget the period! It usually comes after the author's name, but in this case, it needs to be after the hyphens.
MLA has updated their requirements for citing sources. It is no longer the rule that you must put "Print" for print sources. Now, this citation should end with the period after the copyright date.
it is comment about an issue facing society
Cramming for things to get done is generally a bad practice although for some they may consider this as an inspiration to get things done while beating the deadline. The time management that can be suggested to Sue is that she prioritize the things that needs to be done first and allot a specific time slot for her to do her assignments on time.