To say something aloud from memory - Recite
This question is regarding "Rules of the Game" by Amy Tan. From the passages about "invisible strength" and Waverly's mother stating that the "strongest wind cannot be seen we can infer that Waverly's mother values strength that can be found in restraint and silence. This can be seen when Waverly cries for candy at the candy store and her mother tells her to "bite her tongue". That time she doesn't get the candy, but the next time they go to the candy store Waverly stays quiet and receives candy. This is the mother's way of rewarding her for staying silent.
The correct answer is Precise verbs are easier to imagine
Precise verbs differ from vague verbs because these refer to very specific actions or states. For example, the verbs "mutter" or "crawl" are precise verbs because these refer to very specific actions. On the other hand, the verb "move" is vague because this does not explain how the movement occurs. Moreover, precise verbs allow the reader to imagine precisely the action described, and therefore are easier to imagine and are more suitable to create precise descriptions.
I’m pretty sure the question is asking for your opinion. It’s asking if you like the movies based on the reviews.
Without America, there would still be fighting and no one would be able to stop it. America helps other countries and has many allies.