This was caused by the bubonic plague also known as the 'black death'.Disease from flies that were on rats cause the population to wipe out.
The enslavement of african American taken from Africa
When the North American colonists rebelled against England, they found it necessary to set up a national government. ... The First and Second Continental Congresses fought the Revolutionary War, while the Constitutional Convention created the federal form of government establishing the United States of America.
Manifest Destiny. beleif held in 19th century by many Americans that U.S. was destined to (meant to) span from Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean, spreading its culture and democracy; belief had political, economic, and social roots:growth in U.S. economy increased demand for (and value of) farmland, ranches, and furs; the cotton gin increased the area in which cotton could be grown profitably; the discovery of gold in California attracted 80,000 people in1849