increased the mobility of labour (and the Chartists) virtually destroyed canal transport, but stimulated some road building as feeders for railways. allowed for the faster dissemination of ideas and for the growth of national newspapers. stimulated political life.it becomes easy for people to good transport goods from one place to another and travel from one country to the other one place to the other
He was primarily focused on military success over cultural and economic prosperity.
The Sedition Acts was one of the most infamous laws in American history. Signed into law in 1798, this piece of legislation gave President John Adams two controversial pieces of executive power: the ability to deport any alien the President deemed “dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States” and the restriction of “seditious” political speech. The ruling Federalist Party justified these repressive measures by claiming they were essential to combating the violent ideas spreading from Revolutionary France.
The answer is nope money is not part of monkeys
I would say 30,000 cause all the next developments were from the 1860's forward and that is when huge growth happened, after 1860.