By posting that box with the large text, you are asking a question. Make sure to choose a category
Legit what I just explained in the comments. Hope that helps
The sentence that best states the historical significance of "The Selling of Joseph" is: B) This pamphlet calmly disputed the claims that had been made in favor of slavery and provided ordinary citizens and abolitionists with arguments explaining why slavery was wrong.
"The Selling of Joseph" was the first anti-slavery tract published in New England. In it, Sewall condems slavery and refutes many of the era's typical justifications for slavery, warning people of the dire punishment awaiting to those who buy slaves.
It is the rhythm of the song. In a similar way, all poems that are not written in free verse have rhythm, or a beat, as well. We also call that beat meter. Each specific syllable in a line of poetry is called a foot. This is also referred to as a unit of meter.
That is because of the connotation. The denotation for house and home is a place of residence, however, our minds perceive the word house as neutral and generic while home is something that is close to us and brings us safety and security. That is an advertising ploy.