Esta abierto (uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete) dia(s) a la semana.
Put the number of days after “abierto” and change the “dia” to “dias” if necessary
What has made the conflict in Colombia multiplied more and more as the years went by
El Palacio Real is the name of the palace that King Philip II built in Madrid.
1. Hay 1+9 turistas = Hay diez turistas.
2. Hay 10+12 lápices = Hay veintidós lápices.
3. Hay 13- 6 chicas y 20-12 chicos = Hay quince chicos y chicas.
4. Hay 10-9 autobuses = Hay un autobús.
5. Hay 15+5 profesores y 3-2 profesoras = Hay veintiún profesores y profesoras.
6. Hay 19+10 vídeos = Hay veintinueve vídeos.
We must perform the operations described in each statement, and then the result placed in letters, taking into account the number of singular or plural with which you are working, so that you can agree with what you want to express.