Photosynthesis-process by which green plants convert carbon dioxide, water, and energy from the Sun into sugars
Ammonification- process by which certain bacteria convert organic nitrogen into ammonia and ammonium salts during decomposition
Assimilation-process by which plants or animals convert nutrients into usable organic compounds, such as proteins
Denitrification-process by which certain bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen gas
Nitrification-process by which certain bacteria convert ammonium into nitrates
Nitrogen Fixation-process by which certain bacteria in the soil convert nitrogen gas into ammonia and ammonium
Respiration-process by which living cells produce usable energy from food
Phobhos and dhemos are the two moons of mars.
ATP - Adenosine Tri-phosphate. The element is an energy source that fuels many of the biological processes in both humans and other organisms, even plants. The most important element is the tri-phosphate.
Bacteria will multiply so fast between
41-135 degrees Fahrenheit. Bacteria
can grow rapidly in the TDZ, also known as the Temperature Danger Zone, which
is 41f - 140f. Generally 37 degrees - body temperature. However some,
such as fungi, prefer lower temperatures as they are found on the outside of
the body. Similar some bacteria.