The song "Oxford Town" was composed and sung by Bob Dylan in 1962. Though this song was originally about the James Meredith case, Dylan later commented that "<em>It deals with the Meredith case, but then again it doesn't... I wrote that when it happened, and I could have written that yesterday. It's still the same</em>".
The James Meredith case is one that rocked the whole nation. James Meredith was qualified to attend the University of Mississippi but since he was the first black man to be enrolled in the university, he wasn't given admission. He took the matter to court, leading the government to support him. At that time, the racial case of blacks versus white was a dominating and burning issue. This new case compelled the government to agree with the black man, leading to the blacks growing more confident of their fight for equality.
And with the increased interest and popularity of his case, James Meredith had to go for his classes accompanied by the National Guard. The racial controversy over a black man attending an all white university did not seem to go well with the white men who organized riots and demonstrations. This led to massive protests, resulting in the death of two people. The result was the deployment of the military by the government.
After winning the 1936 presidential election in a landslide, Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a bill to expand the membership of the Supreme Court. The law would have added one justice to the Court for each justice over the age of 70, with a maximum of six additional justices. Roosevelt’s motive was clear – to shape the ideological balance of the Court so that it would cease striking down his New Deal legislation. As a result, the plan was widely and vehemently criticized. The law was never enacted by Congress, and Roosevelt lost a great deal of political support for having proposed it. Shortly after the president made the plan public, however, the Court upheld several government regulations of the type it had formerly found unconstitutional. In National Labor Relations Board v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation, for example, the Court upheld the right of the federal government to regulate labor-management relations pursuant to the National Labor Relations Act of 1935. Many have attributed this and similar decisions to a politically motivated change of heart on the part of Justice Owen Roberts, often referred to as “the switch in time that saved nine.” Some legal scholars have rejected this narrative, however, asserting that Roberts' 1937 decisions were not motivated by Roosevelt's proposal and can instead be reconciled with his prior jurisprudence.
The killing of unarmed blacks like mike brown started it ?
World War 1 ended November 11th, 1918