I believe “satisfyingly” would work, the definition of satisfyingly is: “in a way that gives fulfillment or the pleasure associated with this.” The definition of “proudly” is: “with a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction in one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated.” The word satisfy is used in the definition so I believe they are similar!
C. by employing foreshadowing techniques to illuminate the timing of Oedipus’s self-revelation
Oedipus the King is set in that destined city-state called Thebes. Despite the fact that most Greek dramatists were Athenian, their plays are scarcely ever set in the place where they grew up—truth be told, they weren't permitted to do as such.
The tragedies took on issues current Athenian issues, be that as it may. For instance, a few researchers think the plague in Oedipus the King is referencing an ongoing maladie in Athens. It appears, however, that Athenians favored a little target separate while analyzing their issues.
Hamlet killed Polonius believing him to be Claudius spying him.
Looking (#1)
Non-finite Verb
- Non-finite verbs function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs or combine with a finite verb for verb tense.
- Non-finite verbs Include participles, Infinitives, gerunds, other verbs that don't change form when the subject changes.
- A verbal that is used as an adjective, describes a noun or pronoun, present participles always end in -ing, past participles usually end in -ed.
- verb form acting as a noun - always ends in -ing.
- a verb form that is used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb and is typically preceded by the word to.
Word: She (Pronoun)
- She is a pronoun. It's a noun that refers to another noun or noun phrase anaphorically, although it can't be preceded by a determiner and seldom accepts an attributive adjective. In English, examples are I, you, he, who, me, mine, and so on. It can also be used as a subjective or nominative pronoun. It is most commonly used to begin a statement. It is, however, rarely used as a noun.
Word: Was (Linking Verb)
- The word "was" is a verb, more precisely a linking verb, since it connects the subject to the section of the sentence that offers further information about the topic. Furthermore, this form of the verb "to be" represents a state of being.
Word: Looking (Present Participle)
- Looking is the present participle of look. A participle is a verb that ends in -ing (present) or -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, or -ne (past) and serves as an adjective, modifying a noun or pronoun. A participial phrase is made up of a participle and one or more modifiers, objects, and/or complements (s).
Word: For (Preposition)
- When used to signify the usage of something, the place where an object or person is going, or the period of time, the word "for" is defined as a preposition.
Word: Her (Pronoun)
- Her is a pronoun in the third person singular. Her is the subject or object of a verb or a preposition. Her is a possessive determiner as well. You refer to a lady, a girl, or a feminine animal with her.
Word: Sister (Noun)
- This word is referring to someone's/something's female sibling. This word is a noun because a word that is a person, place, or thing is classified as this part of speech. The noun sister can be used as either a proper or common noun.
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- After looking through this sentence, we can come to one conclusion. Since looking ends in -ing, it is classified as a gerund. Therefore, the word <u><em>looking</em></u> is a non-finite verb.
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All the other words in the sentence are not considered or classified as non-finite verb as their word classifications do not match those of the description/definition given of what a non-finite verb is.
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She was <u>looking</u> for her sister.
- NOTE: Verbs with tense are finite, and verbs without tense are nonfinite.