The Selection tool will always select the object as a whole. Use this tool when you want to manipulate the entire object. The Direct Selection tool will always select the points or segments that make up a frame
ip is a pointer to int
*ip is that int so *ip+1 is the value at ip plus 1
Click Tools, Internet options. ...The Internet Options window will open. ...Click Apply, OK to close the window.Click the wrench icon in the top-right corner of the browser.Select Options.In the 'On startup' section, select Open the home page.options window will open. Go to the Startup section and select When Firefox starts: Show my home page.. In the Home Page field, type in the website address you want to use as your home page.Click OK.
Written in Python
name = input("Name: ")
wageHours = int(input("Hours: "))
regPay = float(input("Wages: "))
if wageHours >= 60:
->total = (wageHours - 60) * 2 * regPay + 20 * 1.5 * regPay + regPay * 40
->total = wageHours * regPay
The program is self-explanatory.
On line 4, the program checks if wageHours is greater than 60.
If yes, the corresponding wage is calculated.
On line 6, if workHours is not up to 60, the total wages is calculated by multiplying workHours by regPay, since there's no provision for how to calculate total wages for hours less than 60
The required details is printed afterwards
Note that -> represents indentation