There are five main categories of expenses to think about when figuring out how much your college education is really going to cost: tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, personal expenses, and transportation. You can control some of these costs to some extent
Make More Money. For most people, the ability to earn more money is the driving force behind going to college.
Benefits for You and Your Family.
Better Career Opportunities.
Job Security and Satisfaction.
The answer to your question is Napoleon is always right. Animal farm is an allegorical novel written by George Orwell. Napoleon is the main villain of animal farm and he is an allegory of Joseph Stalin. Boxer is loyal, kind, hard working and he thinks that every problem can be solved if he works hard. he has been to <span>Stakhanovite movement, which was the movement of hard working people who were thinking the way Boxer thinks. </span>
Jonathan Toews. or your decision