Non-Payload Bytes sent are 1476(total) - 393 (payload) = 1083 bytes
1083 (non-payload) out of 1476(total) is 73.37 %
Non-Hello bytes sent are 1476(total) - 53(hello payload) = 1425 bytes
1425(non-hello) out of 1476(total) is 96.54 %
Hmmm, what would i recommand i think you Should learn skills and become innovative
Sir i'm gonna go toilet and come back
When you let the mouse pointer
pause for a moment or two over an item, it is called Hovering. Hovering means
positioning the pointer to a specific object without clicking yet any mouse
buttons. You also do not move it for at least a second. Hovering the mouse
pointer may have the targeted object display its infotip or tooltip.
<span>Every computer has ram, its what starts it up, saves information and speeds up your pc, a good amount of ram is 4gbs. Hope this helps.</span>
Answer: Option C is correct
Option C is correct