Well, most transportation methods cause carbon dioxide to go into our atmosphere. Using hairspray is also another way. Because of the high levels of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere, global warming has risen (if that’s a word :D). Due to global warming ice in Antartica is melting and the Polar bears are in danger (sadly). Now I can’t tell you anymore about this topic because I don’t know anything about it (I haven’t learned anything else yet) I hope this helped, and if you knew this information I’m really sorry....Have a great day!
Its e
I had this problem today and it was e
To explain the geyser and hot spring that are formed in Yellow Stone National Park. Base on my research i came up with this explanation, First this park is well known for their natural wildlife habitat and most of all its geothermal features specially the Geysers and hot spring so it means the park has and active volcanic activity inside that allows the ground to form such features
aspect of our planet, because first of all this is our home, we should care and preserve it no matter what.
One of the main reasons, I think, that they revolted was because the British had put a lot of taxes on the goods of the American colonists. One of the big things they taxed was tea. I think that if the British would have gone lighter on the taxes, especially the tea ones, the movement might have not happened.
Tea was a big thing at the time so obviously if they had to pay taxes for something they truly loved, it would make them upset.
I hope this helps, I’m not sure exactly when the question you’re asking is about but I tried :)