Plant cells have a cell wall and cell membrane but animal cell have only a cell membrane.
4. Gene Pool is not a mechanism, thus your answer!
The correct answer is - NO.
To be specific to the question, the answer would be no as analogous structures do not show that two distinct come from a common ancestor. However, it shows the evolutionary relationship by stating that the species have different evolutionary origins and developmental patterns as they developed the organs with similar function and appearance but anatomically and embryological development is different.
The answer to the question "Do wings show that a fly is related to a bird?", is no it does not show the relation between fly and bird.
Active genotype - environmental effects
There are primarily three types of co-relation between genotype and environment which are as follows –
a) Passive genotype –environment effect – This depicts the relationship between the genetic characteristics acquired by a child from his/her parents and the environment in which he/she is raised.
b) Reactive genotype –environment effect – This represents a relationship between genetically acquired behaviour from parents and the reaction corresponding to such behaviour.
c) Active genotype –environment effect – This represents a relationship between genetic tendency of an individual and the environment condition selected by an individual .