A sentence fragment means a part of a sentence, that is, something that cannot function independently as a sentence.
the correct answer here is "<span> When we stopped by the garden" - option C - it needs more information, information of what happened when we stopped by the garden</span>
"Look, I don't want to argue but cats are better than dogs."
"My dogs love to argue with each other"
"Mom, why does Jason and Ally argue so much?"
I love to take my dogs to the park. I make sure to bring fresh water, their leashes, and extra treats whenever we go. My dogs are a lot bigger than most dogs, so I have to make sure the park is not too crowded when we go. My dogs get really excited when they see other dogs, and they bark so loud. Sometimes people get worried when they hear my dogs bark, but they are really friendly and just want to play. After a long walk to the park, my dogs usually sleep for an hour.
Having dangerous thoughts
After finding employment as a laborer, Douglass began to attend abolitionist meetings and speak about his experiences in slavery. He soon gained a reputation as an orator, landing a job as an agent for the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. The job took him on speaking tours across the North and Midwest.
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