No improvement to this sentence is necessary. It makes perfect sense on its own and sounds right. "Either" always takes an "or" else the word wouldn't make sense, as it's meant to contrast binary options.
I'm either going to eat food or drink water.
Answer: Tone
Explanation: In writing, the tone is an important literary technique. The main purpose of the tone is for the author to express their attitude towards the subject their writing about. However, the tone doesn't have to be the same throughout and entire literary work. In some cases, there are many different tones that appear. Author's can create a tone in a variety of ways but one popular way is <em>diction</em>. This is the choice of words that he or she uses.
<span>The significant about the structure of “Hills Like White Elephants” are </span><span>The story has lots of unexpected plot twists.and
</span>The story occurs over the course of a single conversation. Hills Like WHite Elephants is a <span>short story by Ernest Hemingway.</span>
Today was a good day, not only for me, but the environment too. On this special day, I got to see my family after a long time, and it was quite delightful. We had such a fun time, all while causing the least pollution to our beloved Earth. There were countless things we had done and I did not regret any of it. For one thing, we used candles, which saved electricity. The only thing I missed was the firecrackers, but that was okay, because it would allow us to live another year. Overall, it was a great time, and the fact that we were also helping the Earth, made it even better.
(hope this helped!)