Kenjutsu - the art of fighting and killing with the sword.
Jujutsu - unarmed fighting arts. These are the ancestors of judo and aikido.
Sōjutsu - the art of fighting and killing with the spear.
Naginatajutsu - the art of fighting and killing with the glaive (naginata)
Does this make sense? Or is it completely different?
c. A search incident to a full custody arrest may be conducted regardless of the likelihood of finding weapons or evidence on the arrestee's person.
The Supreme Court estimated that to do that is reasonable under the Fourth Amendment. A search beyond frisking for weapons is right even when the law officers may believe that there´s no evidence of another crime being committed, they can do in order to prevent destruction of evidence or concealment of it.
B the president is the answer.
All these countries are part of the Commonwealth. The governments in each are all run on the same basis which is based on English system whereby the Prime Minister runs the affairs of the country instead of a President and with members of Parliament,