lignified vascular tissue
Stems of Vascular plants are made of vascular tissues and lignin which gives it is characteristics stiffness and the ability to grow tall to access more light and air.
To conduct water and minerals to the leaves
Well first off, Mendel’s law of segregation states that individuals possess two alleles and a parent passes only one allele to his/her offspring. Mendel’s law of independent assortment states the inheritance of one pair of factors (genes) is independent of the inheritance of the other pair. Now Mendel discovered this through his little experiment with the pea plants that showed certain traits through a particular pattern, subsequently becoming the foundation of modern genetics and heredity.
It was raining earlier on, now that it has stopped these droplets accumulated on the leaves, soon they will drip down to the ground.
In this case, it is given that the nucleus of the carrot cell is injected into the frog's egg lacking nucleus. In this case, the recipient egg (frog egg) would not be able to produce the carrot. Every species differ from from each other, sometimes, mating between closely related species can produce hybrid offspring, but frog and carrot cannot be combined at all in any aspect.
The carrot is a plant and the frog is an animal. All the physiological processes vary a lot in between plant and the animal. Hence, this growth would not be supported. So, it is impossible to generate a carrot by inserting it's nucleus in the frog's cell.