Answer: Reading the contract before borrowing money.
A.) They feared that the U.S was not prepared for the war, as they had a very small army.
The measure of Equivalence reliability is aimed at evaluation the consistency of two or more set of forms or question. When adopting the parallel forms reliability model, Here, the questions are different but similar, more explicitly, the difficulty level and knowledge capability required to tackle the questions is the same for the different forms or question set but the questions set administered to each group ai different. This way we are utilizing the parallel form of Equivalence reliability to measure if the test administered to the first group is consistent with that of the other. In the scenario above, questions chosen demonstrated a poor ability to categorize institutions, then there is a problem with Equivalence reliability of the test.
Deep structure is the underlying abstract structure that determines its semantic interpretation. Surface structure is the superficial organization of units that determines phonetic interpretation and relates to the physical form of actual oral expression, its perceived or intentional form. Important to remember that the deep and surface structure need not be identical. The underlying organization of a sentence, which is important for semantic interpretation, is not necessarily revealed by the actual arrangement and method of expression of its components.
The movement from the <u>deep structure</u> to the <u>surface structure</u> necessarily involves the process of deletion, generalization and distortion. Many important clues about the deep structure, however, are expressed and reflected in the structure of the verbal surface.