The correct answer is C. Typeover mode
This is when you select a
text and can then type over it and it automatically replaces it with
what you're writing. It also creates a little box that lets you edit the
selected part easily if that's what you need with things like bold or
italic or change the text color.
The student who uses macros for long words. They are most likely to pass words very easily because they have a macro. While not only saving time, also making a stunning performance as macros usually auto correct as well.
Characteristics of system testing include;
1. It is the first full assessment of a complete software package.
2. It evaluates the functional, non-functional, and business requirements of a software package.
3. It is similar to black-box testing.
4. It is done by a team of specialized software testers.
5. It helps to ensure the optimal performance of the software after it is deployed.
System testing is a form of software testing that is done to evaluate the full software package before deployment. The testing is done on the basis of some standards and specifications that had been previously established. It is the first testing that is done in a series of software ware testing. This system testing ensures that the functional, business, and non-functional requirements of a software package are met.
It minimizes the problems that are likely to be experienced by a software program that goes unchecked. One such problem is troubleshooting. It is a very important test that should be performed on any developed software.
Yo what is that i’m confused