An example could be you simply believe that waffles taste better than pancakes. Not only are they easier to make and fun to design, nothing can compare to the taste of a fresh waffle.
You give a clear argument as to why you believe waffles are better than pancakes
imaginary lines running horizontally around the globe. Also called parallels, latitude lines are equidistant from each other. Each degree of latitude is about 69 miles (110 km) apart. Zero degrees (0°) latitude is the equator, the widest circumference of the globe. Latitude is measured from 0° to 90° north and 0° to 90° south—90° north is the North Pole and 90° south is the South Pole
well just look at it and see where you need to look
There were two friends who were walking across a desert. While they were walking they got into an ugly argument and out of anger one of them slapped the other on the face. The one who was slapped, though was hurt he did not said anything and quietly wrote over the sand "I am hurt because today my friend hit me n my face". They resumed walking and kept walking until they came across an oasis. They decided to take bath in the oasis then. While they were taking bath the one who had got slapped started drowning. The other friend came to his rescue and saved him. After he got rescued, he wrote on the stone "Today I was saved by my best friend".
The other friend asked him, "Why did you write
on the sand when I slapped you while you wrote on the stone when I saved you?" Upon this, the other friend replied that its better we write on sand when your friend hurts you as it will be gone with the wind but write it on stone when your friend does something good to you so that it could be engraved forever.
<span>Nick is trying to figure out who Gatsby really is. Nick hears these rumors about gatsby, how he was a German spy, a murderer, etc.. Nick is disappointed with Gatsby because Gatsby has little too say. Nick wants Gatsby to tell him who he really is, what he does, where is he from. Unsurprisingly, Gatsby does not tell him, even though they talk a lot and hang out a lot</span>